With over 240 medical supplies, you will satisfy everything on your personal first aid kit contents list.
The individual trauma kit is ready to manage all types of medical crises. Fully stocked and organized in a convenient shoulder bag, you will be prepared in the event of an emergency.
Equipped with trauma medical supplies like bandages, dressings, CPR shield, splint, BP cuff and stethoscope to administer first aid until you can see a medical professional. Store this kit in your vehicle, RV, workplace, or worksite for easy access to supplies.
Kit Contents:
- 100 Bandages 1″ x 3″
- 2 Triangular Bandage 40″ x 40″
- 1 Elastic Bandage 3″ x 5yds.
- 2 Pressure Bandages
- 15 Gauze Pads 2″ x 2″
- 15 Gauze Pads 4″ x 4″
- 6 Roll Gauze 2″ x 4 yds.
- 6 Roll Gauze 4″ x 4 yds.
- 4 Combine Pads 5″ x 9″
- 1 Multi-Trauma Dressing 12″ x 30″
- 25 BZK Towelettes
- 8 Iodine Swab Sticks
- 1 Bacitracin 1 oz.
- 2 Burn Dressings 4″ x 4″
- 10 Antimicrobial Hand Wipes
- 3 Cold Packs
- 1 Eyewash 4 oz.
- 4 Eye Pads
- 10 Cotton-tip Applicators 3″ 2pk.
- 1 Tape 1/2″x5yds., covered
- 1 Tape 1″x10 yds., uncovered +J172
- 1 Scissors, Paramedic
- 1 Scissors, Lister Bandage 4-1/2″
- 1 Tweezers
- 1 Stethoscope & BP Cuff
- 1 Penlight, disposable
- 1 Faretec Splint
- 1 CPR Microsheild
- 1 Airway Kit
- 1 Bulb Syringe
- 10 Ammonia Inhalents
- 1 Bite Stick
- 1 Rescue Blanket 56″ x 84″ (space)
- 3 Bio-Waste Bags, 1 gallon
- 10 Gloves
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