Disease Prevention Kit



SKU: 911-11099 Category: Tags: , , ,


Take precautions against infectious diseases and protect yourself from germs with our fully stocked Disease Prevention kit. This kit comes equipped to prevent the spread of any cold, influenza or COVID variants as well as other transmittable diseases.

Fight the spread with our products, keeping your hands germ free with gloves, sanitizer and antimicrobial wipes. With two N95 masks and four disposable surgical masks, you can mask up at a moment’s notice, protecting yourself and others from airborne illnesses. In the event you do come down with an illness, you will be prepared with a thermometer and tissues.

Easily stowed in your purse, glovebox, locker, home or workplace, you can rest easy knowing you are prepared with the proper supplies.

Supply Assortment

  • 2 N95 Masks
  • 2 Pair Lg Nitrile Gloves
  • 1 Hand Sanitizer 2 oz.
  • 4 Face Masks w/Earloops
  • 15 Antimicrobial Hand Wipes
  • 1 Pocket Tissue Pack
  • 4 Tel-E-Fever Disposable Thermometers